

Admission is open through out the year

  • The children of age less than 5 years is eligible to aget admission in LKG and UKG
  • If the child completes his 5 years, he is eleigible to join in first class
  • Children from other school can get admission accordingly to the classes
  • We take the admission of boys and girls both
  • Free books, notes, shoes, bag, uniform and mid-day meals are arranged

For admission

Please contact headmaster in person
Or call +91 96008 40736 and get an appointment prior to your visit
Or Press the whatsApp green button on the left and send the text or record a message


Chat on WhatsApp

Click the following whatsApp button if you are interested in athe admission of your ward in our school, Or you may record a message and send to us. We do the rest.

Chat on WhatsApp
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