
Curriculam Information


Daily assemblies reflect the broad traditions of Islamic belief and acknowledge the contribution made by all cultures to our school. Children are encouraged to develop a caring attitude towards each other.

Special Educational Needs

The school recognises that children may require additional help or extending in particular areas. Children who are assessed as having special educational needs may be supported by the class teacher. Support is given to children in classrooms and in small withdrawal groups.

IMPACT and Assessment

Pupils are assessed at three key assessment points every year; with this data we monitor, assess and adapt teaching. This allows us to address misconceptions and gaps as they are identified, ensuring that our curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils.

On the first day of a new topic, each class has an initial assessment day, where the children state what they know already and what they would like to find out. These act as a hook for the children and ignite their curiosity. As a topic draws to a close, staff plan a review day; an opportunity for the children to show pride in their achievements.



English is taught daily. Our aim is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word.


Science is taught at least once a week. Our aim is that all pupils develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Computer Education

Computing is taught weekly and our aim is to ensure our children become digitally literate by the time they leave Primary school. They are given the opportunity to use, express themselves and develop their skills using a range of programs.


In History the children learn about significant people, events, cultures and places from both the recent and more distant past.


In Geography we aim to build upon the children’s knowledge of the local area and develop their understanding of the wider world.

Physical Education

The school aims to encourage a lifelong enthusiasm for sport while promoting the physical and social benefits of physical exercise. There are opportunities for pupils to take part in competitive sport.

Religious Education

Our aim is to help our pupils acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Islam. We want children to understand the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures.

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