75th Republic Day

  26 January 2024 Posted by ::   Admin

Like every year on this 26th January, our school celebrated 75th Republic Day with great fervor. The celebrations started with a rally by all the students and teachers.

We marched in the Asembly Ground in our school carrying the national flag and shouting patriotic slogans. After the rally, we gathered for the flag hoisting ceremony.

Our chief guest, who was a respected figure in the community, hoisted the national flag as we all sing the national anthem. This was followed by cultural programmes presented by different classes. Students performed enactments, songs and skits highlighting the significance of the day and promoting national integration.

After this lively celebration of our diversity, the guests, the parents, the students and the teachers enjoyed a souvenirs together in the spirit of fraternity. The Republic Day celebrations at our school filled us with patriotism and pride in our nation and conveyed the richness of our cultural heritage to the guests.

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